The Packaging Problem

Apparel itself is not the only thing that causes pollution in the sportswear industry. Another major polluter is packaging. Packaging accounts for 40% of all plastic pollution worldwide, contributing to polluted water and air and sabotaging our health. At PROLOOK, we seek to minimize the impact of our packaging by working with suppliers to get packaging that is made with recycled materials. Replacing our packaging with as much recycled plastic as we can, whenever possible, is estimated to help us save up to 500 pounds of virgin plastic in packaging this year. However, striving to ensure that each of our polyester bags contains recycled plastic is not enough, as using recycled material alone only saves plastic from going to landfills momentarily. That’s why, at PROLOOK, we provide information on each bag with recycled content about how to recycle it. With your help, we can reduce the amount of plastic pollution that we release into the environment by continuing to save plastic from landfills. If you would like to learn more about how you can recycle plastic bags, visit for additional information and drop-off locations.

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